STOP... Stop for a moment and reflect on this awesome, sometimes crazy, mixed up, amazing, random, yet wonderful life you are living. Reflect on the moments that have brought you to where you are today. All sorts of moments. All sorts of memories. All sorts of lessons. All sorts of triumphs. All sorts of trials. There have been joys, there have been tears. Moments of giddy laughter, and moments of utter pain. Seasons of growth, and depths of despair. And now look at what the grand tapestry is evolving into? That beautiful being called YOU! The very YOU which is created in the image of God, the very YOU which He calls by name! And now, think for a moment, at what YOU would look like and be made of without the variety of this journey? Without the sad moments, you would have no depth, no roots. Without the soars of happiness, you would have no height, no branches. Without the trials and challenges, those crashing waves coming in and uprooting your life, those dark moments of feeling lost and without hope, you would not know the strength at which your anchor can hold you, and you would not know the backbone of that mustard seed of faith that you have. Without those dark and low moments, would we truly be able to appreciate and value the seasons of simple and amazing joy, the comforting times of absolute peace, peace which passes all understanding, and those seasons of uplifting growth and blooming so beautifully? No, we would not, for the one feeds the other. As the tree of YOU grows higher and higher, fueled by faith, and joy, and love, so also you grow deeper rooted simultaneously, fueled by trials, challenges, grief, and tears. The higher and more beautiful the tree, the deeper and more grand are the roots. In fact, the tree of YOU will always be proportioned that way. Perfectly balanced in God's perfect plan... Your height will always have depth, and your branches will always have roots. Embrace this wonderful, sometimes seemingly terrible thing we are journeying thru, called LIFE. Embrace every moment, every bit, every second. It is a gift to have branches which are deep-rooted and it is an absolute blessing to have reached the height of all heights, yet to know you have been built up from the depth of all depths. That, dear friend, that right there - that is called SUBSTANCE! Embrace substance. Own it, and thank God for it... It is a rare and most beautiful gift, the complete opposite of shallowness. Be thankful for the tears, as much as the smiles, for together - they produce a wonderful domino effect of grand substance! Comments are closed.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." I welcome you to dive into my grace-filled attempt at sharing the love and truth of Jesus with you! Prayerfully and hopefully, I desire to encourage you and partner with you in your faith, fitness, freedom, and family! ♡
April 2018