Well, here we are... Chicago Marathon Weekend 2017 has finally arrived. I can recall when I signed up for this marathon back in the cold and dreary parts of winter. I signed up with a wonderful charity organization, Oasis for Orphans - wanting to dedicate my run to a cause that both myself and my Mom are (were) very passionate about - CHILDREN. My heart was in a very low place...little to zero motivation for anything in life, missing my mom so much, and I just knew this was NOT what the Lord had for me. So, I woke up, researched charities that I would be honored to be a part of...and signed up. The organization was so excited for my efforts and I could just feel the love abounding. It was an AWESOME feeling. Since that moment, my life received yet another curve ball, and my heart stooped even lower (when I was not even sure that was possible). Motivation...lost. Marathon...hopeless. Me...basically existing...most certainly not LIVING. And now, here I sit, the early morning of Friday, October 6th, 2017...the morning of the Marathon Expo...and I reflect. Reflecting first on my WHY. Why do I run? I run for stress relief. I run for the health benefits. And mostly, I run because this life - this Christian life - is a race...a race we are called to RUN WITH PERSEVERANCE. It is a marathon...not a sprint. Hebrews 12:1-3 reminds us... "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith. For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the Right Hand of the Throne of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." ...when I run, this verse comes TO LIFE for me. When I see His creation around me as my rubber shoes hit the pavement, I see the great cloud of witnesses...I feel the love of my Father in Heaven, and it is as if I am FREE of all the sin, all the worldliness, all the garbage around us...and I just run FREE. My eyes on Him who is my ALL IN ALL, and I run. I pray. I reflect. I sweat. I smile. I am filled with His Spirit, taking in all the beauty around me, filled with His Word, His Love, His Truth within me...and I run. So, herein is my WHY...and why I have decided to run DISTANCE races....which brings me to my very first Marathon in 2015. I have followed Marathon Training before...but never set myself to COMPLETE one.
Enter 2015. Race Day. I sit here and type...while being filled with my WHY (why I run)...I reflect on that day. Sunday, October 11th, 2015. I remember the details of that day so vividly. I remember my awesome weekend host (miss you, Aly!), I remember my pre-marathon meal the eve of the race...chicken, veggies, and a whole LOT of potatoes. (some of you are like, "wait. what?! no pasta?" ...truth is I am not a big pasta fan, so peas, potatoes, and carrots were my carb loading! YUM!) I remember waking up to a crisp, sunny day in Chicago...looking out the balcony at the skyline, thinking...I cannot wait to #OwnChicago. That grand city, set as my stage. I was so pumped up, but also so nervous. I knew we were in for a warm run as the sun got up high that day (80 degrees and super sunny to be exact). I recall approaching the start line in my corral...8:28am...and it was GO TIME. Runners everywhere. Feet to pavement. Cheering all around. Hands down, the MOST exhilarating experience I have EVER been a part of. Everywhere you turned, there were smiles, happiness, kindness...and THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of WHY's. I recall seeing so many posters, so many people running for loved ones, for causes, for themselves...I saw one man in full fireman gear, running. I wondered what his story was. I saw military heroes running. I was humbled to be running alongside them. Young and old. Every color. Every tongue. People holding hands, encouraging, lifting each other. The camaraderie of this great city was profound. Everyone was your friend that day. We were all on the same team. As I ran, I reflected on how the world could sure use more of that. And even moreso now here in 2017. I remember as I approached mile 7, I was beside a man who collapsed running. I stopped, tears filled my eyes, I wondered what his WHY was, I wondered if he would be ok. I was scared. I immediately prayed for God's Hand upon this man. I called my Mom & Dad...said we need to pray for this man now. We did. I got myself together, and kept running...my Mom's words etched forever in my mind, "I am praying for you, honey"...(how I miss her). And there in those big gridlocked streets of Chicago, I made my way, mile by mile, stride after stride. I recall seeing the mile marker for HALF MARATHON...13.1 miles. I was like, "WHAT?! I am only HALFWAY DONE" Ha! So I kept at it. Running. Running. Running. I amused myself with Forrest Gump lines... "and I just kept runnnnnnning"...haha! Then I recall approaching mile 24. I thought that I might not finish. I was so hot. I was so tired. And then I recalled how the Lord Jesus carried that cross to Calvary. I thought, surely if He can do that for ME...His grace is sufficient EVEN IN THIS. And it was. He is ever faithful. As I approached the final mile - 26...POINT TWO (because when you run that far, the .2 is HUGE) - longest mile EVER...and I saw the finish line...I knew I was going to make it. The song "you're gonna make it after all" MAY have popped into my head in the exhaustion. Ha. And I looked up, raised my hands in the air, and crossed that finish line. I had so many emotions come over me in that moment. It was as if time stood still. I thought of what it will be like to finish the race of this life...and hear the Words from God "well done, good and faithful servant" ...and then I was brought back to reality - here I was, in Grant Park, medal adorned on my neck, marathon foil blanket around me, gatorade in my hand, and I grabbed my phone out of my running band, and called my Mom. I only had the energy to say "I did it, Mom!" ... I can hear it now, as she exclaimed, "I knew you could do it, my Christie Girl...I have been praying for you all day" ...and she added, "I am making you tacos!" ... I fell over and lied down beneath a tree, staring at the sky, and I realized in that moment, that my WHY is truly able to get me THROUGH anything. That is the truth. And in 2016 and a good portion of 2017, that truth got clouded. VERY CLOUDED. Circumstances in life clouded my WHY. And I buckled under the lie of the enemy...that there was no hope, that life as I knew it was over, and it was not coming back, and so what is the point now? Well. I am here to tell you, there IS A POINT. Enter September 2017 (the very last days of the month). I woke up one day, and I was like..."NO MORE". No more lies overtaking me. No more UNTRUTHS writing any more pages in my story. Yes, my Mom is gone...and YES, I miss her more than anything...but the truth on the flip-side of that story is THIS... she is gone, but for a moment, and only gone from this earth, yet very present with the Lord. And that is enough for me. It is not goodbye. Only see you later. My hope in Jesus Christ gives me SOLID hope that I will see her again...and I will be in His presence...and after all, that is ALL that matters. Him. And yes, my life looks a lot different than it did even a year ago. Big life changes have occurred in my personal life...yet that does NOT mean that the story ends. In fact, it is just getting started...a new chapter, that is. I have hope that if the Lord allowed me to go through it, His grace is MORE THAN sufficient to carry me through it. And His Word promises me that it is for MY GOOD, and HIS GLORY. That is enough for me. I lost myself for a while there, yet by His amazing grace, God has brought me back...and I am here to rise higher than ever, IN HIM. Amazing grace...how sweet the sound...I once was lost, but now I am found. So, you see, this is more than just a marathon medal that I am going for on Sunday...it is a proclamation of re-claiming myself. Running for a cause that I am proud of...children, who need love in every way, living out my mom's legacy of love...and reclaiming ME...the ME that the Lord has made me to be. The ME that is found in HIM. So, with a RECORD BREAKING Chicago Blackhawks entrance into the 2017-18 NHL Season last night...and Game 1 of the Chicago Cubs World Series 2017 run...I am gathering my running shoes, and getting ready to #OwnChicago once again. One WHY. One goal in mind - crossing that finish line. Comments are closed.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." I welcome you to dive into my grace-filled attempt at sharing the love and truth of Jesus with you! Prayerfully and hopefully, I desire to encourage you and partner with you in your faith, fitness, freedom, and family! ♡
April 2018