Simple things. Every day little things. Aren't they the things that end up meaning the most in life? Well, tonight, a very simple thing happened... A recliner was moved to our house. Yes, a recliner - a pretty simple thing. Yet, in my heart this recliner embodies so much more than the leather and mechanics inside of it. See, this recliner is something that was my Aunt's...and when my Mom was very sick, she fell in love with it. It was the one thing she could get comfortable on when she was in so much pain and discomfort. My Aunt eventually had it moved to my parents' house when my Mom could no longer go to her house and spend days there with her. My dear Mom spent a lot of time in this chair. She always looked so peaceful taking her naps here. She truly loved this ordinary, simple recliner. And in the final months of her life, it is the very place that became my bed. I slept in this recliner right beside my Mom's hospital bed in my parents' family room day in and day out... I held her hand, prayed over her, read Scripture to her, played Christian music for her, looked at pictures with her, talked to her...spent every moment right beside her. When my Mom went to be with the Lord, this was the very place I sat, holding her hand, as she took her last breath here on earth. It is with great emotion that I type the words you are reading right now...from this recliner. I have not sat in this seat since 1:14am on December 7th. When I sat down in this chair tonight, a whirlwind of thoughts came over me...and I realized in a way I had not ever realized before, that SIMPLE THINGS really do matter the most. We are surrounded by a lot of noise and plenty in our world today. We have a lot of clutter, a lot of stuff, and we are a culture that is seemingly never satisfied. We always need the next greatest thing, the hottest "toys"; we need this; we need that...and where does all that stuff get us? Most often - nowhere. But, you know what matters at the end of the day? Simple things. Moments. People. That is what matters. Life is short. Very short. And the moments that make up our life, well, they really are very few. And by now, you are probably wondering, "where on earth is she going with this..?" . . . and the answer to that is quite SIMPLE: Make the moments matter. Live each moment on purpose. Stop the rat-race of more and more stuff and climbing that never-satisfying ladder to nowhere. Enjoy the simple things while they still can be enjoyed. Love the people God has given you while they still can be loved. Because you know what, at the end of the day, all we are left with are the memories...and an empty recliner... And once you sit down in that recliner and look to your right, and you realize all over again that someone you loved so deeply is no longer a hand you can hold, well, it puts things into perspective. So, stop. Slow down in your race and realize what matters while there is time to be had. Appreciate the simple things. Appreciate the recliner while it still holds the person you love so much within it. Sit quietly beside that person, and hold their hand.
I reflected tonight with my Aunt on all the childhood stories my Mom used to tell me. I would sit beside her, hold her hand, and say, "Ok Mom, tell me more stories about when you grew up; share your heart with me"...and she would. She would search her memory, she would smile, sometimes a tear would fall, and she would talk and talk. I would listen and listen. What moments those were. I can remember looking at her mouth as she talked and I would think of all the wise things she has told me...and I would listen a little closer. I would look at her hands and realize all the times she held me and cared for me...and I would hold her hand a little tighter. Deep down in my heart I knew there would be a day I would look back on those very moments and THANK GOD for them. I knew there would be a day...and well, right now is one of those days. I am thanking God for simple moments of seeming nothingness. No clutter. No noise. Just a girl and her Mom...and a worn down old recliner. I pray you stop and enjoy the next simple moment you are blessed with and live it to the fullest - enjoy it all the way; take note of every detail; breathe it all in...and stop and truly thank the Lord, for we are not promised tomorrow. Each moment is a gift. One day...every recliner will be empty. Comments are closed.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." I welcome you to dive into my grace-filled attempt at sharing the love and truth of Jesus with you! Prayerfully and hopefully, I desire to encourage you and partner with you in your faith, fitness, freedom, and family! ♡
April 2018