Isn't it interesting how we count down til Friday, til Spring, til Summer, til our vacation, til we get a little older, til we get married, til we retire...all with the pretense that those are things we are going to enjoy? ...YET...we FAIL to see how there is JOY in each and every day! There can be JOY, and smiles, and happiness, and excitement...right here and now! Isn't that a marvelous concept? We don't have to count down to begin enjoying our lives! Our lives are right here, right now! This is the youngest we will ever be, and this moment will only last a little while, and then, once it is gone and the clock strikes the next minute or hour, we cannot go back! Not ever! So, what is the lesson to learn? That is simple! God has blessed you with a beating heart and breath going in and out of your lungs...and that, my friends, that is LIFE, that is purpose...beating away all throughout your body! Don't waste your purpose, don't waste your 60 seconds, don't waste this day, this week, this year... This life that we are living is so fleeting, so momentary, and it goes by in the blink of an eye... Take a hold of it! Live it! Love it! Use it towards something bigger than time! God is not bound by time and when we live our lives unto the glory of God, and the betterment and blessing of others, that is where TRUE JOY is found! Start living and not just existing! Start living and living well! Start loving the life you are living right now! NOW is the time to count down to! Absorb every tiny millisecond, and strive towards eternity with a greater purpose than counting down to something that is seemingly better... There will be no need to be endlessly counting down if the life you are living right now is anchored deep in God's purpose and plan! Create a life that is rooted deep in love and His truth...and that is a purpose bigger than any human can conjure up, and it is everlasting! Stop waiting. Start living. Right now.
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"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." I welcome you to dive into my grace-filled attempt at sharing the love and truth of Jesus with you! Prayerfully and hopefully, I desire to encourage you and partner with you in your faith, fitness, freedom, and family! ♡
April 2018