As I sit here this evening waiting for my delicious salmon burger to cook up, reflecting on recent tragedies in our world, it got me to thinking...thinking about the statement "love wins" - a very culturally embraced statement. While my mind so completely REJECTS what the culture embraces related to this, the statement is a very true statement. In a completely different context and connotation than the culturally accepted "love wins", yet a very true bare bones statement - love did in fact win - over 2,000 years ago on the cross! Jesus Christ, laying down his life for the sins of ALL - the sins of ALL who will believe in Him - that is true love! Love wins in the face of any tragedy we can ever face! Death and tragedy are swallowed up in the victory of Jesus, even when this world seems to have the last word! Even when our eyes cannot see His goodness, love wins! A recent tragedy is a grievous example of this truth. The murder of the young and beautiful Christian singer, Christina Grimmie. She was shot and killed on Saturday, June 11th, as she was signing autographs. It grieves my heart to no end that her life on this earth was cut short because she believed and proclaimed the ONE who gives eternal life! I am comforted, as I pray her dear family is comforted as well, that while her physical body may be gone, and her life on this earth cut way too short, she, right at this very moment, is more ALIVE than EVER - singing praises around her Savior's Throne! What hope for all who have been found in the Lamb's Book of Life as Christians! As her story has unfolded, it has become tragically apparent that her killer was motivated by his HATRED of her FAITH. Christina was a Christian, and not a passive and nominal Christian, but a vibrant, passionate, and outspoken Christian. She emulated what true Christianity should be to all who call themselves by this name - "Christian". As I have read more and more about this amazing human being, I came across her website/blog. She had a blog posted on her site, and I feel so compelled to share it. I have pasted it below. The truth in these words below so resonate with my heart, and it is a much needed reminder that I need and that you need. We ALL need to hear these truths over and over! May we NEVER become stagnant, self-righteous, or soft in our faith. As I read these words, and as you read them - let us together ask ourselves this question: WHY DO YOU CALL YOURSELF A CHRISTIAN? Intro: In the western world, especially American civilization, when asking for a person’s religious standing, the most common response you will encounter is simply “I’m a Christian.” Most people subtly just think to themselves “Oh, okay good. I was worried for second.” But as I have traveled to Israel recently, fervently prayed and studied Scripture, and examined the culture around me, I have found that when someone says “I’m a Christian,” I should be more worried for their soul than if they said “I’m an atheist.” Before you stone me to death with your subconscious judgment, let me explain. If you will, come explore with me what it should look like when a person claims Christianity. Come with me, and let’s take a look at the most overused word in the English language. What is this “Christian” stuff all about anyway? 1) The Person, Not the Rules: First things first, where did the word “Christian” even originate? The first known documentation of this word was in the early church, and it was a name that was given to the disciples because of how outspoken they were about their faith. It literally means “follower of Christ.” Oh, how far have we strayed from this! I would hardly think that most of us that claim to be Christians would be easily identified by those outside the faith. In America, we have forgotten what it means to literally be “Followers of Christ.” Notice that Christianity is the only world religion that centers around a relationship rather than a set of rules. While other religions say “do this” or “do that” or “pray this prayer” or “sacrifice this” to ultimately find the truth and the light, Jesus says “I AM the truth and the light.” While the numerous world religions rely on a set of guidelines to take them into eternal happiness, Christians rely on a Person. We are saved by believing and knowing Jesus. 2) Natural Obedience: Jesus is the only one that can save us. He is the only one that has taken our penalty. He is the bridge that allows us to be restored in Spirit with God. But notice, the word “follow” is a verb. Jesus was not merely calling us to accept a set of beliefs when He says “Follow Me.” The apostles that were called Christians (Followers of Christ) were not given that name because they had a private faith in their heart about the truth of Christ. We must understand that if we really have a relationship with this Savior, then we will do what He has commanded us. I cannot fathom someone that truly knows Jesus, yet does not desire to obey all that He has commanded us. But frankly, we see millions and millions of these figures in America. And it is scary. Very scary. A quick look at the synoptic gospels of the New Testament, and we find that Jesus was a very radical character. He reversed all kinds of cultural trends and flipped modern day religion on its head. One thing that is clear, however, is that He was careful to outline the things that should be important to anyone who would be His disciple. He commands His followers to give to the poor sacrificially, to care for the needy and the orphans and the widows. He says that we are to leave everything behind to follow Him. He says we are to practice righteousness. And most of all, He says we are to make disciples of all nations. Now let’s not forget, Christianity is about a relationship, not a list of things to do. But when you truly love someone, you tend to do what they say. Maybe it’s just me, but multitudes of people, many that I know personally, that call themselves followers of Christ have no interest in taking heed to His commands. This can only mean that these people are not truly following Christ. Maybe they see Jesus as a get-out-of –hell-free card, maybe they are afraid of leaving everything to follow Christ, and maybe they are scared of full surrender. Whatever the case, it saddens me to see scores of people supposedly clinging to the same faith that Jesus taught, yet completely compartmentalizing it and giving it no reign in their lives. 3) Un-American Christianity: Everywhere I turn in my country, Christians are shaping their faith to fit into their cultural preferences. Jesus has become an instrument of self-help instead of the all-powerful Savior of the world who deserves total surrender and adoration. Lip service is plenty, life service is few. Western churches have now even started to promote the “prosperity gospel”, a false notion that if you have strong faith in God and do what He says, you will have material blessings. This theory is, in fact, almost the exact opposite of what we find in the New Testament church. I am not immune. I have recently uncovered areas in my life that I had refused to submit to the Will of God, and have found myself guilty of a somewhat casual association with Jesus. I have come to understand that “lukewarm Christians” don’t exist. You are either in or out. You are either on board, or you don’t come near the boat. Please, reader, I beg of you, don’t conform to the lethargic lifestyles of many western churches! And DO NOT take my word for it, go pick up the Scriptures. Read the gospels objectively, with no cultural bias or preconceived notions. You might be surprised to find that Jesus is calling us to much more than church attendance. Conclusion: People may take this the wrong way. Honestly I hope this message does not come across the wrong way, but then again I hope it does. I hope this radical call to following Christ offends people. That is exactly what it is supposed to do. With that said, I am not saying that every church in America is evil. I know of many churches that faithfully pursue truth and obedience no matter the cost. But there are also those that need to heed this message, and change. We live in an age where we come away from experiences inspired, but never really affect change. The time is now. On a final note, the people that may say “This message doesn’t apply to me, I’m on the right track,” are the very people whose lives I fear for. NEVER become comfortable. We need to be awoken to the magnitude of the gospel every day. Where do we start? Let’s do what Jesus says. Even if we lose our lives, there is nothing more important that following Jesus with everything that we are. If you have read this, God is pursuing you. My fervent prayer is that we all may deeply know Jesus and know what he demands when He says “Follow Me.” May our eyes be opened to know exactly what it means when we say “I am a Christian.” The End. WOW! Isn't that amazing? Do you see why I felt so compelled to share her message with the world?! What a beautiful profession of truth! May we all read this over and over, and when we answer the question of whether we are or are not a Christian, may we call these truths to mind and be stirred to live a heart-felt REAL and outspoken faith, no matter the consequences, no matter what the world thinks, no matter WHAT! Uncomfortable Christianity! That is what we are called to! I will add one more thing here - a video of Christina singing her absolute favorite song, which is coincidentally also one of my favorites: In Christ Alone! May it give us hope as we realize the fate of all who believe IN CHRIST ALONE - that tho our bodies be killed, beaten down, destroyed, whether by heinous hate crimes, or even sickness and disease, there is a LIFE to be had, beyond what the eyes can see - eternal life! Amen! Comments are closed.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." I welcome you to dive into my grace-filled attempt at sharing the love and truth of Jesus with you! Prayerfully and hopefully, I desire to encourage you and partner with you in your faith, fitness, freedom, and family! ♡
April 2018